Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jewels of the Literary World

How do I pick the best line from this week? I am completely clueless because there are so many.

So I will leave it up to the public:
A.) Like his father, he groaned, but he always showed up with a pickup truck.
B.) It was funny to see a 27-year-old laborer rolling up lacy socks and flattening panties.
C.) "Cool," he said, watching how the underwear disappeared in the folds.
D.) In fact, I am probably the only woman in the world who buys a car based on the size of its trunk.

Please help me, dear readers. For I have lost all sensation in my weekly awe and I cannot choose.


Brittiny said...

I'm going to go with option B. I would love to hear her actually say the word panties

Class of 2000 officers said...

i'd say a,b,c and d.

best cat tales ever.

writtenbliss said...

You neglected to mention that she's added Obessive Compuslive Disorder to the her ever-expanding list of personal defects.

This was a great column. *sigh of contentment*

Merlin said...

I have to go with the pickup truck entry, because she was actually writing about me.